Lets talk about hair removal- ouch!

Remove unwanted body and facial hairs without paying the big $$ for someone to do this for you! 

· DIY beauty tips

Making your own depilatory sugaring gel/paste can save trips to the beauty parlour because you can easily do this at home and it is way easier than you think!

Natural Hair Depilatory Sugaring Gel is an all-natural, and completely edible. 

It is better and gentler for your skin and environmentally friendly. 

Containing 3 simple ingredients, - honey, sugar, and lemon juice, it is 100% safe, to use (providing you have no allergies to any of the ingredients), -its preservative free, chemical free, colour free!

If you can get organic honey and lemon juice, then it will be even better! 

I'm going to share with you this ultra simple DIY method that actually works....Ingredients:

  • ½ cup water
  • ¼ cup part lemon juice
  • ¼ cup honey
  • 2 cups sugar 


  • Cooking pan
  • Stirring utensil
  • Glass mason jar with lid 
  • cotton fabric strips or baking paper strips

What to do.  Measure and add all the ingredients into a saucepan. Use medium heat to incorporate your ingredients and melt your sugar. Stir continuously and allow your sugar mixture to boil gently for about 10-15 minutes stirring constantly. Don’t burn it, (but even if you do it will work,- but will become hard). As soon as the mixture begins to bubble, remove the pan from the heat and continue stirring until the bubbles disappear. Then place the pan back onto the heat and let the contents boil again. When your sugar mixture turns to a caramel colour and has a honey-thick consistency, you are done heating it. 

Remove from heat.. Place liquid into a jar with a tightly sealing lid (that can be reheated if it becomes too firm. Glass is best). Allow to cool and set. **Don’t burn it, (but even if you do it will work but will become hard and stiff). This can become toffee-like. If your gel hardens like toffee, you pop the jar (lid on tightly) into warm water to soften. When warmed through and soft again, scoop off the required amount and apply to the area from where you want the hair removed. If you are warming be aware that the gel will heat quickly and retain heat and if too warm can burn your skin so please take extra care when applying heated gel..

How to use 

You may choose to apply the gel to the skin after warming it to soften very bristly hairs. Fine hairs do not require additional warming. Scoop out a small amount , apply to skin and let it warm naturally. apply cotton or paper strips onto the gel, press down onto it firmly, then quickly remove, pulling agianst the direction of hair growth. The skin will now be very tacky, reapply and remove. Each time it will become sticker and even better at removing hairs. This isnt entirely painless but the kob is done without chemicals.

The skin of course will be temporairly red. Apply a good moisturiser to hairless zone. Get yours from Essentially Me Aromatherapy & Wellness to noursih and sooth skin. https://www.strikingly.com/s/sites/13078585/edit/manage/store/products